Family Support through Counseling

TBRI Caregiver Training

For Families and Community Organizations

What is TBRI?

Trust Based Relational Interventions (TBRI) is a holistic intervention that meets the needs of the whole child. It is an approach to caregiving that is developmentally respectful, responsive to trauma, and attachment-based. 

TBRI purports 3 principles are the foundation for working with kids from hard places…

1) Connecting

Help children to build trusting and meaningful relationships. Learning how to effectively engage children and youth by giving our full attention, having close proximity, and being mindful of facial expressions, voice tone, and body language. Recognizing what we bring to the situation with our own personal history and creating environments that do not intensify the situation. All of these components work to create a foundation of connections that disarm fear, gain trust, and enhance learning.


2) Empowering

This principles looks at the physiological (physical/internal) strategies and the ecological (environment/external) strategies. Have we been able to meet the child’s physical needs so that the highest learning can be achieved and the ability to regulate their emotions is met. In the past two hours has the child had water, food, or a sensory activity? Have we made sure the environment is conducive to optimizing learning and behaviors? Is the environment under or over stimulating? As we look around us and the environment, hopefully we are making sure we have done all we can to empower good choices for learning.



Correcting behaviors is necessary in order to help children and youth be successful in life. The key is approaching this principle by being proactive and the responsive in ways that are connectful and empowering. The goal is to help children learn appropriate strategies for getting their needs met and successfully navigating challenging situations day-by-day. Use the IDEAL response and Levels of Response when responding to challenging behaviors. These strategies are highly effective when caring adults have taken the time to connect and empower during calm times. We can create learning opportunities so that the child sees you as a “coach” not as the “warden”.


Want to learn more about TBRI?

You can watch this awesome video and fill out this form!
Once you fill out the form, someone will be in touch with you soon!

*TBRI Caregiver Training was created by Dr. Karyn Purvis and Dr. David Cross