Our Reality
Children from hard places often must survive by using maladaptive behaviors. These behaviors are often misunderstood by the adults who seek to love and serve children from hard places. Prenatal and early childhood risks change children’s brains, resulting in long-term negative effects on their emotions, learning abilities, and behaviors.
There are 6 early risk factors that influence the way children think, trust, and connect with others that change a child’s brain development and chemistry, resulting in higher risk emotional problems and accompanying behaviors:
A difficult and stressful pregnancy
A difficult birth
Early and/or prolonged hospitalization
“Imagine a world where the cry of every child is met by a loving, compassionate adult.”
— Dr. Karyn Purvis, Institute of Child Development at TCU
Our Hope
Founded in 2019, Lydia’s Hope is registered 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that seeks to educate and support families, community organizations, and professional caregivers who care for children with developmental trauma. Our desire is to see our community wrap their arms around children from hard places so that the needs of these children can be met and to empower them to be successful. We want to build stronger families through support and connections.
One way we meet this need is by providing training and education on TRUST-BASED RELATIONAL INTERVENTION (TBRI). TBRI Caregiver Training is a holistic, evidence-based, and trauma-informed approach that is multi-disciplinary, flexible, attachment-centered, and challenging.